Advantages of vacuum carburizing
1. To overcome the problem of blind hole carburizing which can not be solved by traditional atmosphere hot carburizing.
2.避免内氧化问题 。
2. Avoid internal oxidation.
3 真空渗碳的工艺温度达1700摄氏度。
The process temperature of vacuum carburizing is 1700 ℃.
4 缩短工艺时间。
4. Shorten the process time.
5. The combination of vacuum carburizing technology and high pressure air cooling quenching can reduce the distortion.
6. Improve the microstructure properties, component hardness and other effects.
7. 解决渗碳过程中工件表面的晶间氧化、合金元素贫化等问题。
7. Solve the problems of intergranular oxidation and alloy element dilution on the workpiece surface during carburizing.
8. 真空渗碳与气体淬火相结合,通过对淬火过程中冷却速度的控制,提升产品处理质量。
8. The combination of vacuum carburizing and gas quenching can improve the quality of product treatment by controlling the cooling speed in the quenching process.
9. 真空渗碳的废气排放量小,能耗低。
9. The exhaust gas emission of vacuum carburizing is small and the energy consumption is low.