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网址:qicuilu.oy56.cn  2021-08-11  作者:admin    阅读:

1. 无氧化、无脱碳。并有除锈作用,省去表面磨削加工工序,从而节约钢材及原材料消耗,节省加工工时。
1. No oxidation and decarburization. It can remove rust and save surface grinding process, so as to save steel and raw material consumption and machining hours.
2. 真空脱氧作用。在常压下溶入金属的气体,如氧、氢、氮等,在负压时从金属内部向表面扩散而逸出,这种现象称为脱气。真空淬火加热,具有脱气特性,使材料表面纯洁度提高,提高了工模具的疲劳强度、塑性和韧性以及耐蚀性能。聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛
2. Vacuum deoxidation. The gas dissolved into the metal under normal pressure, such as oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc., diffuses from the inside of the metal to the surface and escapes under negative pressure. This phenomenon is called degassing. Vacuum quenching heating has degassing characteristics, which improves the surface purity of materials, and improves the fatigue strength, plasticity, toughness and corrosion resistance of tools and dies.
3. 脱脂作用。去除工件表面残留油脂,提高产品质量。
3. Degreasing. Remove the residual grease on the workpiece surface to improve the product quality.
4. 被处理件无氢脆危险,防止钛和难熔金属表面脆化。
4. The treated parts have no risk of hydrogen embrittlement and prevent the surface embrittlement of titanium and refractory metal.

