Horizontal Vacuum Annealing Furnace
用途: 本系列卧式真空退火炉主要应用于特种材料、不锈钢、硒钢片铁芯、贵金属零件、银铜复合铆钉及片件的真空退火处理。
Application: this series of horizontal vacuum annealing furnace is
mainly used for vacuum annealing of special materials, stainless steel,
selenium steel sheet iron core, precious metal parts, silver copper
composite rivets and pieces.
Equipment features:
1. 本设备专用于小零件等在真空状态下的退火;
1. This equipment is specially used for annealing small parts in vacuum;
2. 炉罐密封性好,有效的锈钢铸件 保定建筑设计 螺杆式启闭机 保定搬家 电缆挂钩 保定室内设计培训 冲压机避免了工件在退火处理中的表面氧化、生锈,提高了处理质量;
2. The furnace has good sealing performance, effectively avoiding the
surface oxidation and rust of workpiece in annealing treatment, and
improving the treatment quality;
3. 保温炉体可向后移动,退火完成后,在保持真空状态下提高冷却速度。
3. The holding furnace body can move backward. After annealing, the
cooling speed can be increased under the condition of keeping vacuum.